Sunday, May 18, 2008

We'll miss you Merrills!

Miss Erica (and gang),
We'll miss having you so close by, but can't wait to come visit you in San Antonio. Don't go to the San Marcos outlet malls without me!
Love, The Hofhiens

The Fowers love you!

Really, you are leaving too?? I can't believe this is actually happening, the last hold-outs in the ward! It must be our turn to go next!! We know you will visit often, so we won't really have to say goodbye... just see you later!! We will really miss seeing Madeline and Remi "growing up" together. They would be such cute friends! We have loved knowing you - now for 7 year, can you believe it? I will miss seeing your kids in the office soon. XOXOXOXOXO....see you soon!!
Love, Michelle